Top 10 highest-paying skills in 2023 and beyond - Jobz Spring

Top 10 highest-paying skills in 2023 and beyond

If you’re an employee looking to make the most of your next career move or an entrepreneur interested in getting into new markets, you might be interested to know which skills employers will want ten years from now. We’ve done some research and found the ten skills that will pay handsomely for the foreseeable future. There may be fluctuations over the next decade, but these skills will likely continue to be highly sought-after as long as we can see into the near future. Here they are!

Data Science

Data science is one of the rapidly growing fields in the world, and while it’s predicted to be the highest-paying skill by 2023, many other evergreen skills will pay handsomely as well. If you have experience working with data or a degree in statistics, you might want to consider some of these other high-demand careers:

  1. Data Analyst
  2. Business Intelligence Analyst
  3. Database Administrator
  4. Quantitative Analyst
  5. Risk Modeler
  6. Statistician
  7. Data Scientist


In the last few years, cybersecurity has skyrocketed to the top of the list of skills that will pay handsomely. With more and more business and personal data being stored on devices with wireless capabilities, cybercriminals are finding it easier to access sensitive information. In fact, according to one recent study, 95% of companies reported that they were the victim of a cyberattack at least once in 2017. It means that cybersecurity professionals are more critical now than ever before. Cybersecurity requires a combination of expertise in various areas – from encryption technology to white-hat hacking – so it’s not easy for anyone with basic computer skills to become an expert.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is an essential skill that will pay handsomely. The cloud is where all your data is stored, and everything you do online runs on the cloud. Cloud computing skills include software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). It includes learning to use Office 365, AWS, Microsoft Azure, and many others. There are also certifications available for people who want to specialize in this field, like Salesforce Administrator Certification or AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate certification.


A distributed and decentralized digital ledger is called a blockchain. That records transactions across many computers and functions as cryptocurrency and digital payment systems. The ‘blocks,’ the individual information units in the chain, are connected to form the chain. Blocks are then added at time-stamped intervals, irreversible, and secured by encryption, thus creating a sequential record of data or transactions throughout history that cannot be altered retroactively without altering all subsequent blocks.
The first block is called the genesis block. The blockchain is considered secure as long as honest nodes collectively control more than half of the computational power on the network. This way, no one person can manipulate data on his own.

User Experience (UX) Design

UX design is a multifaceted, dynamic field that involves strategy, research, information architecture, interaction design, and visual design. UX designers use user-centered design principles to create products that are both easy and pleasurable to use. As the demand for digital products continues to grow, so will the need for UX designers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), computer system design employment is projected to increase by 12 percent from 2016-2026, which is much faster than average. The median annual wage for a UX designer was $97,000 as of May 2017.
Many factors influence the salary range of a UX designer, including location and years of experience.

Product Management

Never before has life been so thrilling. to be a Product Manager! Product management is managing a product from its conception to its launch and beyond. A product manager will oversee all aspects of the development lifecycle, including research, design, pricing, promotion, sales, and support. As a result of their position, product managers have a great deal of influence over the success or failure of any given product. The skills most sought-after by employers are knowledge of customer needs and behavior, understanding, and use of data analytics to inform business decisions, advanced analytical skills, and working collaboratively with others.


I know what you’re thinking: someone else is a salesperson. Guess what? Every day, you’re pitching and selling to your boss, team members, colleagues, and every customer who walks through the door. The difference between good salespeople and mediocre ones is that the best ones know how to pitch so persuasively that they make the sale before closing a deal.


Some employers’ most sought-after skills today include project management, analytics, and product management. However, these skills can be learned. Understanding how they’ll apply to your career and personal goals is the most important thing. So what are some of the other skills that will pay you handsomely in 2023? Let’s look at ten skills that are always in demand and have been for years!
Some jobs will require more than one skill set, but this list gives you a good idea of where to start if you’re wondering what skills come in handy down the line.

Human Resources (HR)

HR is an evergreen skillset that will always stay in style. The demand for HR specialists is high, and the job outlook is expected to grow at 10% by 2020. According to Glassdoor, HR professionals can make upward of $100,000 annually. All this makes it one of the highest-paying skills that anyone can learn!

Project Management

Project Management is a high-paying skill that requires managing multiple tasks simultaneously and ensuring they are completed. Project Managers use project management software to keep track of their projects and collaborate with clients, stakeholders, and teams. They also need to be able to make decisions about what should happen next for the project. Project management skills are flexible, transferable, and can be used across all industries. Project managers have many opportunities for advancement as well. This expertise has been identified as one of the ten evergreen skills that will pay you handsomely in 2023, which is not surprising.

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