Which country is easiest to get a work permit in 2023? - Jobz Spring

Which country is easiest to get a work permit in 2023?

The most common way to obtain a visa is through an employer. Employees can obtain work permits and residence visas in many countries if the company sponsors them. Unfortunately, as a self-employed person, it may be challenging to obtain a visa in some countries, which is related to the degree of openness and national conditions of the country.

Which countries in the world welcome foreign job seekers the most?

Here are six countries where it is relatively easy to get a visa:

1 Netherlands.

The Netherlands is known for the work-life balance it offers. They are also known for their work visa flexibility.

The type of visa known as an “Orientation visa” allows non-EU citizens to obtain a work permit without any restrictions. Once you graduate, you can stay and work in the Netherlands for a year. And there is no need to submit proof of sufficient funds. This visa covers temporary work, including paid and unpaid internships, self-employment, and freelance work.

The Netherlands is a member of the European Union; therefore, business graduates may apply for the EU Blue Card (EU Blue Card). Here, you only need to meet the minimum salary requirements (5400 euros per month) and have professional and educational experience.

2 Germany.

Germany, which seems to be a non-immigrant country, has policies on immigration and work visa applications are even more part of the European Union, providing visa options for people with good professional skills and educational backgrounds.

The EU Blue Card scheme provides residence and work permits. Applying for an EU Blue Card requires professional experience and an employment contract in Germany. The minimum wage should be €55,200 per year. The EU Blue Card brings its recipients the same working rights as its nationals, and they can move freely with the card in the Schengen area. That will give the recipient up to four years, at the cost of 110 euros ($130), which will allow them to stay in a non-EU country (up to 12 months), during which time the recipient’s residence permit will not expire.

If you are looking for a job after a postgraduate business degree in Germany, you can extend your residence permit for up to 18 months and find a job. If you have returned to your home country, you can get a Job Seeker Visa – a long-term residence permit allowing you to return to Germany for up to six months and look for work. In Germany.

3 Australia.

Australia offers two post-study visas:

(1) Graduate Work Stream.

Graduates are allowed to work in Australia for up to 18 months. Qualifications in skills shortage industries are required.

(2) Workstream after studying abroad.

This type of visa has fewer requirements and can stay for 2 to 4 years. It mainly depends on the applicant’s degree.

(3) Global Talent Independent Initiative. (GTI)

it is a unique work and residence visa. It is available to applicants who are highly skilled workers in fintech, ag-tech, cybersecurity, Medtech, space and advanced manufacturing, data science, energy, and mining technology. The salary should be AUD 153,600 and must be recognized by a New Zealand or Australian citizen in the same field.

4 Singapore.

Applicants who have graduated from a higher education program will be eligible to apply for a Short-Term Visit Pass. This visa type allows one to stay in the country for 30-90 days. You can then apply for a Long-Term Visit Pass, which allows you to stay in Singapore for one year. When a visa holder finds a job in Singapore, he or she can apply for one of many work visa types.

The Employment Pass is designed for managers, professionals, and executives earning more than S$3,900 (US$2,800) per month. Should be sponsored by the employer for up to two years.
An S Pass can be obtained if the applicant is a “mid-skilled” employee. This visa type allows for a stay of two years, and applicants should earn at least S$2,400 per month.

5 Canada.

Canada has also expanded its flexible rules for international students. It means you can complete up to 50% of your coursework online and retain your eligibility for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) if you start your coursework in the fall.

PGWP allows applicants who have graduated and completed at least eight months of courses to apply for a visa of at least nine months. A two-year MBA program can lead applicants to a three-year PGWP. Apply for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker or Canadian Experience Class programs.

6 New Zealand.

New Zealand has long been the go-to destination for those seeking stress-free visas.

(1) Student work visa.

If you have completed a relevant degree in the country, the post-study work visa is very suitable for applicants of this type. You can get up to three years and look for your first job after graduation.

(2) Skilled Migrant Visa.

which belongs to the skill shortage category, can obtain permanent residence.

(3) Entrepreneurship Work Visa.

which allows you to establish your own business in New Zealand for a maximum of three years. Applicants need to have a business plan, an investment of NZ$100,000, and a minimum of 120 points on the visa points table.

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