How to get an EU Blue Card in 2023? - Jobz Spring

How to get an EU Blue Card in 2023?

What is the EU Blue Card?

A residence permit for academics and professionals is the EU Blue Card. It is moving to the European Union to work there. It is also proof of legal residence in an EU country.  

What are the requirements to request the EU Blue Card?

Any college graduate from a non-EU nation may submit a Blue Card application. Usually, proof of German language is optional. However, regulated professions such as doctors or pharmacists require a medical license or a license to practice, for which evidence of the German language is required. A medical license ensures that a degree from a university outside Germany is equivalent to an EU standard. 

What are the preconditions for the EU Blue Card?

Four requirements must be fulfilled to receive an EU Blue Card.

1. An accredited higher education degree’s

first requirement is completing a higher education degree. The degree must have been obtained or recognized in an EU member state or be equivalent to a degree from a university in the EU.  

Note:In the anabin database, you can check whether the university degree you have obtained is equivalent to the corresponding German university degree. 

2. An employment contract or binding employer commitment to work

A second requirement is an employment contract or binding employer undertaking with the employer in an EU member state. Holders of work-seeking visas are not eligible to obtain an EU Blue Card.

3. Minimum annual salary

The third requirement provides a gross annual salary of at least €56,800 (2022). However, the gross yearly salary requirement is slightly lower for some career fields, including mathematics, engineering, human medicine, natural sciences, and computer science. For university graduates who want to work in these fields, the gross annual salary must be at least €44,304 (2022).

The minimum annual salary is adjusted every year. The figures mentioned here refer to the German salary scale only. These figures may vary in individual EU member states. Please find the applicable minimum gross salary in the EU country you are interested in before applying. 

4. Type of work

The final requirement for applying for a Blue Card states that a job in an EU country matches the applicant’s qualifications. In other words, your degree must be directly related to your career field.

What is The EU Blue Card’s validity period? Effective range?

The EU Blue Card can be applied to almost all European Union member states. The two exceptions are Denmark and Ireland. These countries do not issue such residence permits.

When the EU Blue Card is first issued, it is valid for four years. The Blue Card is valid for the exact time specified in the work contract plus three months if it is less than four years. After expiration, the visa can be extended. 

What is the cost of the EU Blue Card?

The fee for the EU Blue Card is 100 Euros regardless of its validity period. If you want to extend an existing blue card, the cost for an extension of fewer than three months is 96 euros, and the fee for an extension of more than three months is 93 â‚¬. 

Does the EU Blue Card allow for the reunion of families?

Family reunification just got easier for EU Blue Card holders. Both the spouse and minor children are entitled to a residence permit. In addition, regardless of their level of the German language, spouses are immediately granted a work permit as soon as both spouses have reached the age of 18. The spouse must submit applications for visas and work permits themself.

How do I request the EU Blue Card?

There are two different ways to obtain an EU Blue Card in Germany. If you already have another type of residence permit in Germany, you can apply for a Blue Card at your local SAFE.

You must apply for a German work visa if you are still in another EU country. You can apply for this visa at any German mission abroad for gainful employment in Germany. 

The following nations’ citizens are excluded from needing a visa: 

New Zealand, Australia, Israel, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and the United States.  

After entering Germany, you must apply for a Blue Card from SAFE.

Do I need a work visa to apply for an EU Blue Card in Germany?

Since the EU Blue Card can take several weeks to be issued, it is recommended that you apply for a work visa even if you can enter Germany without a permit. 

We strongly advise against entering Germany solely on a tourist visa to apply for a Blue Card. In most cases, the purpose of residence must remain the same. In the worst picture, you will have to leave Germany and re-enter. 

What happens if I lose my job?

If you lose your job to obtain a blue card, you must immediately notify the appropriate SAFE. Your residence permit will remain valid for the time being, and you can also look for a new job. However, SAFE can determine the duration of your residence permit at its discretion. 

When can I apply for permanent residence in Germany?

After 33 months, members of blue cards may apply for a permanent residency permit. A permanent residence permit ensures unlimited residence in Germany. The precondition for this is that the labour contract lasted without interruption for 33 months and that pensions were paid during this period.

In addition, other requirements must be met to apply for a permanent residence permit. One of these is proof of essential (A1) German skills. As an owner of the Blue Card, you can apply for a permanent residence permit after 21 months if you can prove that you have German language skills up to B1. 


Even though applying for an EU Blue Card takes time and effort, it is worth it. So, if you are still coming to Germany and have dreams of living and working in the EU after graduation, start now! Because everything will stay the same once you work for it, We look forward to supporting your journey to Germany & Europe.

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