Fine Jobz Create Email For Outlook - Jobz Spring

Fine Jobz Create Email For Outlook

What I want you to do for me is to create two email outlooks for me and consider waiting point

1. From USA girls and boys name or you can also put your own name.

2. You first email password ( Asad1122@@ ) which I will give is SIM and in the email you add full name plus any numerical number add Just like 1 to 2 to 34 means any figure from 1 to 100 has to be added.

3.You have to edit the item email that will be given to you Just Link ( )

4. And each one has to create two emails Outlook only we want Outlook email and no other if someone else just like Hotmail or someone send us then we will not pay it only us on Go sign up and make them in the USA so we can pay you.

5. If someone has not done any such activity then he will not be paid and considered as Spam.

6.You will be given a list from which you have to create a new email address.

The list of names that will be used to create the can be downloaded by clicking the link below.

Link File Name List :- Download Now File Name List